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About Us

Welcome to Medya Diagnostic Center

Medya is the premier medical diagnostic center of Kurdistan Region and the first in greater Iraq to be accredited by the College of American Pathologists, providing international standard and quality diagnostic pathology and medical imaging services to the community.

Since October 2008, Medya Diagnostic Center (MDC) offers full diagnostic services to the public and private sectors. It is positioned to be responsive to the needs of the health system, developing and implementing new tests and methods that are not available in the region. The laboratory and radiology units of MDC are situated in a state-of-the-art and purpose built 7000sqm facility.

Why MDC?

We provide a full spectrum of diagnostic services. Whether you need lab tests, imaging, or consultant physicians – we can cater to your every need. Being the only accredited lab in Iraq, using cutting-edge information systems in the laboratory department, having very internationally experienced imaging staff, and having distinct services make MDC the best diagnostic center in Iraq.

Our Mission

To provide unique, high quality medical services and compassionate patient care.

Our Vision

To be the leading provider of high quality patient-centered care.

Core Values

  • Clinical diagnostic results that meet the highest standards of quality with the quickest possible turn-around time (TAT).

  • Be at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Services.

  • Provide an educational and safe-working environment for staff.

  • Uphold highest codes of respect for and within staff and our customers.

  • Interminable improvement in service delivery – using FOI principle – (Find opportunities for improvement), attitude and teamwork.

  • Continuous staff development.

  • Steadfast protection of patient data confidentiality.

  • Establishment of quality performance indicators and regulations that are consistent with the expectations of society and customers.